Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My head hurts, I need soap.

Earlier this evening Isabell and I were in the bathroom and Isabell was playing in the cupboard and upon exiting it she hit her head on the top edge. Of course pain was involved but after she calmed down she went over to the bath tub grabbed the bar of soap and put it on top of her head and said in her pouty voice, "My head hurts, I need soap." and kept holding it there like an ice pack and kept saying that phrase over and over again. Eventually she started rubbing it into her hair so I took the soap away. Then she got some sprinkles of water that were on the tub and said, "My head hurts, water makes it feel better." After this she tried getting the liquid soap by the sink but couldn't so she settled for a tub of toothpaste and said, "My head hurts, I need medicine. Medicine makes it feel better." and placed the tub of toothpaste on her head. This kid is full of the darndest things and is always making me crack a smile by what she says and what she does. She has such an attitued about her. I hate to admit it but she probably gets it from me.  

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