Tonight after playing a game of water balloons (which was pretty much just Spencer chasing me, but the girls went running with me. And at one point, Ellie grabbed her side and said, "Mama, my tummy hurts." so I asked her, "Do you have a tummy ache?" Ellie responded, "Yeah, I have a tummy ache.")
We were playing at the playground and all of the sudden Isabell decides she's going to be a director, and says, "Ok guys, let's play fairytale as a family. Mommy you're going to be the princess locked in a tower, and Daddy will be the prince that comes and saves you." To make a long story short it took the prince WAY too long to come save the princess, so the princess decided to save herself and run to the playhouse. With the change of scenery the director wanted to change the story a bit. We were told we were to play the story Sleeping Beauty. The scene was to be set at the top of the climbing wall. Once I climbed up there the director demanded, "Ok, now prick your finger and fall asleep." So I obeyed. This is when things got a bit tricky. Early in the evening the actress playing the princess had used the hose on the actor portraying the prince, and apparently he was still seeking his revenge because all of a sudden the princess got an uneasy feeling, opened her eyes and say the prince coming at her with the hose. He claimed he had to go get his weapon to fight the witch. Well, this made the princess run away. This really upset the director, she started crying saying, "You haven't had true loves kiss yet!!!" So the actress demanded that the actor leave his "weapon" at the front door. After some negotiating he complied.
You can guess how quickly the actress' trust for the actor disappeared after this stunt, so she had trouble keeping her eyes shut. This made the director exasparate at them and say, "(deep sigh)" Ok I can't remember what she said, but it was really funny, something about us not doing it right and I didn't keep my eyes closed but what I do remember is at the end of it she said, "And the princess has boogers in her nose" Oh my goodness that sent me over the edge(not literally). She was just so serious and so frustrated with us because we couldn't do it right. Spencer kept saying things about renegotiating his contract and the actress won't stay asleep. It was priceless. Well, after the prince threw a water balloon at the princess, and she practically refused to keep her eyes shut, he kissed her. Then the directory said he needed to give me a flower, which she picked for him to give to her.
Afterwards Isabell kept talking about how we were naughty and were making her mad and frustrating her because I wouldn't keep my eyes closed and Spencer kept trying to spray me with water and throw water balloons at me. It's so hard to try to take her seriously. I feel bad because I know I should, but it's just too cute and too funny. Oh at one point, after the hose incident she told me we need to have feeling time and talk about how I was feeling. She said it so seriously. Had me sit down on the stairs and talk about what I was feeling. I told her I was scared that Daddy was going to throw a water balloon at me and now I didn't trust him. She didn't have much to say to that. It was fun though, playing together as a family.
And news on Ellie, we started trying to potty train her today. Spencer thinks she's ready and in some areas she is. Her diaper is starting to be pretty dry when she wakes up from naps and bedtime, and sometimes she'll tell you that she's gone pee or poop. However, she doesn't like the potty. Today I sat her on it but she cried a lot at first. I had to force her on it, and give her a sucker. Had her watch some Diego on it, but nothing happened. Then of course as soon as she had the diaper on she peed and recognized it so I guess that's a step in the right direction.
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