Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Isabell's Clean Room!

Isabell is so wonderful!! Tonight she cleaned her room for the first time ALL by herself. It wasn't a horrendous mess as it usually is, but still there was a bunch of books and some small toys and some clothes on the floor.
 We had put her to bed and she told me
 "First I"m going to play. And then when I get tired of playing I'm going to read books. Then when I get tired of reading books I'm going to color. Then when I get tired of coloring I'm going to go to sleep."
Well, about 15 minutes later I'm at the computer and I hear her singing in her room about cleaning it. She just kept singing "Cleaning my room, I'm cleaning my room." A few minutes later she came out to put stuff away. I'm just so proud of her. I never asked her to clean she just decided all on her own to clean it. These are some things she told us afterwards.
 "I was trying to make Heavenly Father happy."
"Hey Mama, I like it when my room is clean."
 "I didn't want me room to be messy; I didn't want anybody to get hurt."

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