Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pee Pee in the potty, but still not ready

So I'm still a little behind in my dates, but slowly I'm getting the hang of this. I find the pictures to be the hardest part. But anyway, on the real story. This past Monday June 28, when Isabell woke up from her nap I went to go change her diaper and it was completely dry. A quick not, this is the same diaper I put on her after she woke up this morning, meaning she hasn't peed all day. So I figured she was bound to pee pretty quickly, why not try the potty. So I set her on her little toliet. Of course she made me sit on the big toliet, but after a minute or so, I heard the sound of little droplets. So I told Isabell in an excited voice, "You're doing it! You're going pee pee in the potty! Good job!" I don't think she got it right away. But once she was done I asked her if she wanted to wipe and she just started freaking out. She would look at the toliet, point inside of it and say, "Oh no! Oh now!" I tried explaining that it was a good thing, but she didn't get it. We gave her a popsicle, rewarding her for being a big girl, but after that she seemed to forget about the incident and hasn't really been into using the potty anymore than she had been. So in conclusion, I still don't think she is 100% ready to be potty trained and the more I think about it, I don't think I am ready for her to be potty trained. All the messes to clean up, and that's mostly it. But it has to happen sometime. I think we're going to have to get her pull-ups though because now when she says she has to go potty, she pulls down her pants but leaves her diaper on and won't let me take it off for her. Independce I know is a good thing, but man is it annoying at times.

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